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The KLINGER Group is a leading supplier of industrial valves and sealing technology. See the global market here, company finances and statistics.

A KLINGER, group that works with the production of sealing systems, fluid control and fluid monitoring systems, currently operates in more than 60 countries on five continents.

With 18 production sites, seal factories, valves, instrumentation, gaskets and hoses, serve all industries across the globe.

Total no, the KLINGER Group is composed of 45 manufacturing companies, services and distribution, which are present on the five continents.

To operate these companies, more of 2.500 employees work for KLINGER around the world.

The company is based in Gumpoldkirchen, Austria, more than 130 years.

O Grupo KLINGER is a leading global provider of technology and services in the industrial fluid treatment segment. She employs about 2.500 collaborators around the world. The company generates annual sales in the 520 millions of euros (unfunded). Its activities are divided into three business sectors: Manufacturing and services and Distribution. KLINGER provides sealing solutions, fluid control and fluid monitoring systems for manufacturing industries, chemistry, oil and gas, infrastructure, energy, cellulose andp paper, transport, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries. Among our main products, there are leaves and sealing gaskets, compression packings, valves, level gauges, steam traps, filter Y, among others. Check them all out on the page Products.