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There are many variables that determine the choosing the ideal material for the joints. KLINGER Expert software can help you adjust them.

In addition to the quality of the used product, other factors define the effectiveness of a seal, such as, for example, the selection of a gasket suitable for the corresponding operating conditions, and the correct torque application.

The lack of careful assessment during the application phase and the consequent use of inappropriate material for the operation can result in losses ranging from drips to significant leaks with the formation of jets., which could cause damage to workers or even equipment..

KLINGER Expert software

Be aware of these possible failures and consequent damages, KLINGER used its experience and knowledge and developed the KLINGER Expert – versatile joint calculation and selection software, designed mainly to eliminate errors in the selection of the hydraulic cardboard type and application of torque.

Developed in Austria, the program can specify which product is most suitable for each application, considering equipment data (flange and clamping set), operating conditions (fluid, temperature and pressure) and the various models interaction in the adopted conditions.


The software searches according to the information determined by the user for each of the variables and returns the result Hydraulic cardboard most appropriate, or even a list of alternatives.

In addition, it is possible to assess the need to change the screw material, torque or operating conditions. KLINGER Expert visually and numerically provides a complete understanding of joint sizing. controlling during installation and operation.

With KLINGER Expert it is possible to:

  • Identification of the best material for each application;
  • Selection flanges belonging to DIN, EN, ASME and JIS standards;
  • Gasket dimensions according to standardization;
  • Torque calculation of screws;
  • Fluid identification through nomenclature and chemical formulation;
  • Graphical analysis of the surface pressure applied to the sealing joint.


O download do software it is free. To download it, click on the banner below:

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