

Sealing material for general applications with moderate temperatures and pressures.


Sealing material with aramid fiber and NBR.

Areas of application

Good performance with oils, water, saline solutions, and fuel alcohols, lubricants and solvents, hydrocarbon in general.


Mechanical properties - Typical values ​​for thickness 1.5mm

Compressibility ASTM F 36 A % 12
Recovery ASTM F 36 A % 40
Heat loss DIN 52911 % 26
Stress relaxation BS 7531 40 Mpa / 300º C MPa 22
KLINGER Hot Compression Test 50 MPa Thickness. decrease at 23º C % 14
Thickness. decrease at 300 ° C % 20
Sealability DIN 3535/4 ml/min. 1,0
Thickness increase after immersion in: ASTM F 146 Oil ASTM Nº 3: 5h a 150º C % 6
Fuel B: 5h a 23º C % 8
Thickness increase after immersion in ASTM F 146 Oil ASTM Nº 3: 5h a 150º C % 14
Fuel B: 5h a 23º C % 14
Density g/cm³ 1,65

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Dimensions of the standard sheets

Sizes 4000 x 1500 mm | 2000 x 1500 mm
Thicknesses from 0,4 mm to 6,40 mm